Change Log – V2.0.0

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Revision:V1.2.5-0 2016-12-07

Revision:V1.2.5-1 2017-04-13

Revision:V1.2.5-2 2017-11-02

Revision:V1.2.5-3 2018-12-29

Revision:V1.2.5-4 2018-02-12

Revision:V2.0.0-0 2018-05-04

Revision:V2.0.0-1 2018-06-18

Revision:V2.0.0-2 2018-08-01


The following sections list the category/command specific changes. There are 4 kind of changes:

  • [New]
    Describe a new feature.
  • [Warn]
    An existing feature has changed. The old usage is still supported; however, applications should switch to the new usage as soon as possible. The old usage will be discontinued in the next release.
  • [Critical]
    An existing feature has changed in a non backward compatible manner. Applications must be ported to the new usage in order to use the new version.
  • [Bug]
    A bug was discovered and fixed.


Incompatible changes:

  • aq_ord no longer supports the raw sort mode. This mode was designed to the sort input data by column numbers without a column spec. However, its use cases were very limited, so the support was removed.
  • To exclude a column in the -c column spec, only ~ColName is accepted now, !ColName is no longer supported.
  • The -rownum option of aq_pp is no longer supported.

New features:

  • Support the Perl Compatible Regular Expressions (PCRE) engine in addition to the POSIX one. PCRE uses a syntax like POSIX’s extended regex – i.e., it uses () without any backslashes for sub-expressions.
  • Enhanced DateToTime() to handle sub-seconds.
  • A new RxRep() function that works like RxReplace() but returns the result directly.
  • More math functions – Sqrt(), Cbrt(), Log(), Log10(), Exp(), Exp10(), Pow().
  • New substring comparison functions – BegCmp() EndCmp(), SubCmp(), SubCmpAll(), MixedCmp() MixedCmpAll(), Contain(), ContainAll().
  • New string obfuscation function MaskStr().
  • New built-in evaluation variables $CurSec and $CurUSec for the current time.
  • aq_pp can output to a target defined by a variable using -o,fvar VarName. In other words, the output target can be dynamic.
  • aq_pp supports a -cmb,mrg,… merge mode for combine data that is too large to fit into memory.
  • aq_pp, aq_ord and aq_cat can have multiple outputs with the same destination. This was allowed before but the result was not well defined.
  • aq_udb -chk … can be used to do spec file syntax check.
  • aq_udb can sort output even when a sort column is not in the output.
  • aq_udb -exp, -cnt and -inf can have an asis attribute to output the individual results from all servers.
  • New aq_udb -alt option to alter the definition of the Var vector after a database has been created.
  • New aq_udb -inf option to output a database’s key count and tables/vectors row counts.
  • New aq_udb -key_rec option to limit the number of resulting rows per key.
  • aq_udb -top can be used to limit the number of resulting rows without -sort.
  • aq_udb -exp and -cnt support the seg=N1[-N2]/N[:V] attribute for data sampling (like the same attribute for import).
  • The -c output column spec of aq_pp, aq_ord and aq_udb accepts a * to represent the default output column set.
  • aq_ord supports case insensitive sorting with -sort,ncas,….
  • aq_ord supports a block sort mode with -blk NumRec FilPrefix. Use this mode when there is not enough memory for the entire data set.
  • aq_ord supports a merge mode with -sort,mrg,…. This will merge already sorted input files.
  • Output columns specified under -c can have an output column name override as in -d … i:c1 … -c c1:c1_out_name+0x%x. The format spec, if any, must be given after the name override.
  • Most tools now support inputting from and outputting to named pipes and network sockets.
  • Improved JSON parser EOK handling to save more records.
  • Udb supports case insensitive ordering and sorting with -ord,ncas,… and -sort,ncas,….
  • Udb handles out-of-descriptor condition gracefully. When this happens, aq_pp and aq_udb will show an “out of FD, connection failed” message.
  • Udb server files (e.g., logs) will be created with the same permission as the server’s runtime directory. In other words, these files will have a global read/write permission in a default installation.
  • Udb server start/stop script (udbd) can handle <defunc> processes.
  • Udb server supports an import memory allocation margin via environment UDBD_MEM_MARGIN. An import will be aborted when the system’s free memory drops below this limit.
  • mcc.* enhancements.
  • aq_cnt can output extended statistics (sum, average, standard deviation, minimum and maximum) in -kX reports. The -kX output can also be used as the input of a merge operation.
  • loginf can handle input data in aq_tool’s internal binary format either explicitly or automatically.

Changes to be enforced in a future release:

  • aq_pp:
    • -udb … -imp … –> -imp[,AtrLst] … (-udb not needed)
    • -ddef … -imp … –> -imp,ddef …
    • -map, -mapf and -mapc –> RxMap() function
    • -kenc and -kdec –> KeyEnc() and KeyDec() functions
    • -alias will be removed.
  • aq_udb:
    • -pp … -end_of_scan DestSpec … –> -pp,post=DestSpec …
    • -lim_usr –> -lim_key
    • next_bucket and proc_bucket –> next_key and proc_key
  • Evaluation functions:
    • KDec() –> KeyDec()
    • QryParmExt() –> QryDec()


Cf: aq_cat, aq_cnt, aq_ord, aq_pp, aq_udb, etc.

  • [Bug] 1.2.5-2:
    There was a bug in the “-filt” expression parser. It affects aq_pp and Udb when the negation group !() is used in these ways:
    • !( anything ) – e.g., !(col==5)
    • (!( anything )) – e.g., (!(col==5))
    • (!( anything )) operator anything – e.g., (!(col==5))&&1
    • anything operator (!( anything )) – e.g,, 1&&(!(col==5))

These constructions can be used to circumvent the problem if necessary:

    • !( anything ) operator anything – e.g, !(col==5)&&1, !(col==5)||0
    • anything operator !( anything ) – e.g, 1&&!(col==5), 0||!(col==5)
  • [Critical] 1.2.5-2:
    To exclude a column in the -c column spec, only ~ColName is accepted. !ColName is no longer supported. Having an alternate form (!) is not necessary. It is better to reserve the ! mark for another use in the future.
  • [New] 1.2.5-1/3:
    The mapping options of aq_pp and regular expression related evaluation functions now support the Perl Compatible Regular Expressions (PCRE) engine in addition to the POSIX one. POSIX is still the default. PCRE can be selected at runtime in these ways:
    • Add a pcre to the mapping option’s attribute (e.g., -map,pcre …).
    • Add a pcre to the evaluation function’s attribute parameter.
    • Set the default regular expression processing attributes via the new -rx DefRgxAtr option of aq_pp and aq_udb (e.g., “-rx pcre).
  • [New] 1.2.5-1/2/3/4:
    Updated/new evaluation functions:
    • DateToTime() and GmDateToTime() can output deci-seconds to nano-seconds from decimal seconds with the %S1 to %S9 format spec.
    • RxRep() is similar to RxReplace(), except that it returns the result directly.
    • AgentToUId() converts an agent string to an RTmetrics user ID.
    • UNameHash() converts a string (usually an user name) to an RTmetrics name hash.
    • Sqrt(), Cbrt(), Log(), Log10(), Exp(), Exp10() and Pow() for square root, cube root, natural logarithm, base 10 logarithm, e (natural logarithm) base power, base 10 power and abitrary power.
  • [New] 2.0.0-0:
    Updated/new evaluation functions:
    • IConv() can choose the best conversion to return. In this way, eok can output a blank. A FromCode of (a dash) can explicitly output a blank as fallback.
    • BegCmp() EndCmp(), SubCmp(), SubCmpAll(), MixedCmp() MixedCmpAll(), Contain() and ContainAll() for substring comparisons.
    • MaskStr() irreversibly obfuscates a string with a high degree of uniqueness.
  • [New] 2.0.0-0:
    New built-in evaluation variables:
    • $CurSec and $CurUSec represent the current time in seconds and microseconds respectively.
  • [New] 1.2.5-2:
    aq_pp, aq_ord and aq_cat can have multiple outputs with the same destination. For example, aq_pp … -o outfile … -o outfile … will output each row to outfile twice, giving title,title,row1,row1,…,rowN,rowN,…. Older versions also allow this kind of specs, but the result was not well defined.
  • [New] 1.2.5-2:
    Most tools now support inputting from and outputting to named pipes and network sockets.
    • Named pipes are used to connect the input/output of processes running on the same machine. Example usages are aq_pp -f fifo@PipeName … and aq_pp … -o fifo@PipeName where PipeName is the desired name of the input or output named pipe.
    • Sockets are used to connect the input/output of processes running on separated machines that are connected via a network. Example usages are aq_pp -f socket@IP:Port … and aq_pp … -o socket@IP:Port where IP:Port is the IP address and port of the input or output socket.
  • [New] 1.2.5-4:
    Most tools now support inputting from worker nodes listed under a Udb spec’s @server section. For example, aq_cat -f servers@DbName:port …. This is an experimental feature, so it is not documented yet.
  • [New] 2.0.0-1:
    aq_pp and aq_ord support the * column spec in -c – each * represents the entire set of relevant default output columns.
  • [New] 2.0.0-2:
    Improved JSON parser EOK handling. More records can be saved if the JSON records are line-based.


Cf: aq_pp

  • See also common changes.
  • [Bug] 1.2.5-2:
    If a -cmb or -kdec action is executed conditionally (i.e., it is inside a -if block), columns derived from the action are not set if the action is not taken. In most cases, those column would retain the last values when the action was executed. With the bug fix, those columns will be initialized to 0 or blank if the action is not taken.
  • [New] 1.2.5-2:
    Support setting an output file using the value of a variable using -o,fvar VarName. In this way, the output can be changed dynamically by changing the variable. When the value of the variable changes, the old output (based on the previous value of the variable) will be closed and the new one (based on the new value of the variable) will be opened. This is designed for infrequent switching only. Changing the value of the variable frequently is very inefficient.
  • [New] 1.2.5-2:
    Support -cmb,mrg,… merge mode. Records in the main data set and in the combine set must already be sorted in the same order. Default order is ascending. Use -cmb,mrg,dec if all the data are in descending order. This is designed to handle combine data that is too large to fit into memory.


Cf: aq_ord

  • See also common changes.
  • [New] 1.2.5-2:
    Support case insensitive sorting with -sort,ncas,….
  • [New] 1.2.5-2:
    aq_ord supports a block sort mode with -blk NumRec FilPrefix or -blk_only NumRec FilPrefix. In this mode,“aq_ord“ will load, sort and output NumRec at a time to FilPrefix-BlkNo.bin. BlkNo is the output file number, it starts from 1 and increments for each NumRec records until the entire input is consumed. Use this mode when the data set is too large to fit into memory all at once.
    • -blk performs the block sort and then loads and merges the results into a single output.
    • -blk_only performs the block sort onlt.
  • [New] 1.2.5-2:
    aq_ord supports a merge mode with -sort,mrg,…. This will merge the inputs into a single sorted output. All the inputs must already be sorted in the same order as desired for the output. This option can be used to merge the output blocks from -blk and -blk_only.


Cf: aq_cnt

  • See also common changes.
  • [New] 1.2.5-4:
    Can output extended statistics (sum, average, standard deviation, minimum and maximum) of any associated numerical columns in -kX reports. The -kX output can also be used as the input of a merge operation that outputs the combined statistics.

aq_udb/udb server

Cf: aq_udb, udbd

  • See also common changes.
  • [Bug] 1.2.5-1:
    Under certain environment (e.g., docker), the OS may leave zombie (aka,<defunc> ) processes behind. udbd (script) was not designed to handle this condition, So it would detect/report server status (running or not) incorrectly. This problem has been fixed.
  • [New] 1.2.5-2:
    Support case insensitive ordering and sorting with -ord,ncas,… and -sort,ncas,… of aq_udb.
  • [New] 1.2.5-2:
    Support output sorting even when a sort column is not in the output. This condition was not allowed before.
  • [New] 1.2.5-2:
    Support shorthand column specs in -c that represent groups of columns in a table/vector – -c … TabName.* … includes all columns from a table of the given name, -c … TabName.+ … includes all columns except for the primary keys in the table, and similarly for vectors.
  • [New] 1.2.5-3:
    Udb handles out-of-descriptor condition gracefully. Previously, this error was silently ignored by the server and the condition could not be detected from the client side. Now, this error is logged in the server log as well as passed back to the client. When this happens, aq_pp and aq_udb will show an “out of FD, connection failed” message.
  • [New] 2.0.0-0:
    Udb server supports an import memory allocation margin via environment UDBD_MEM_MARGIN (Kb). A default margin of 500000K is applied if the environment is not set. If the system’s free memory drops below this limit during an import, aq_pp will get an“out of memory“ server error.
  • [New] 2.0.0-1:
    aq_udb supports an asis attribute for Var export (i.e., aq_udb -exp,asis DbName:Var …), -cnt and -inf. This will output the individual results from all the servers rather than a single set of combined result from them.
  • [New] 2.0.0-2:
    The -alt option can be used to alter the definition of the Var vector after a database has been created.
  • [New] 2.0.0-2:
    The -inf option can be used to to output a database’s key count and tables/vectors row counts. Filters are not supported, but it is much faster than -cnt.
  • [New] 2.0.0-2:
    The -key_rec option can be used to limit the number of resulting rows per key in an export operation.
  • [New] 2.0.0-2:
    The -top option can be used to limit the number of resulting rows in an export operation without -sort.
  • [New] 2.0.0-2:
    aq_udb -exp and -cnt support the seg=N1[-N2]/N[:V] attribute for data sampling (like the same attribute for import). The sampling is repeatable since it is done based the keys’ hash values.


Cf: loginf

  • See also common changes.
  • [New] 1.2.5-4:
    Accept bin and aq input attribute to handle data in aq_tool’s internal binary format. Can also detect this data format automatically with the auto input attribute.