Docker Install

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The docker version of Essentia will run on most systems. Due to the portable, containerized nature of docker, the docker version of Essentia is easy to install.

Essentia’s docker version cannot launch worker instances and thus does not have the full scalability of Essentia. If you need to parallelize your analyis, you can use the cloud version of Essentia or contact

How to Install Essentia using Docker

Note: You must have root privileges to run some of the following steps. If you do not, please contact your system administrator.

  1. Install Docker. For a CentOs system, follow the steps under “Install with yum” and then “Create a docker group” here: For other systems, follow the steps to install docker for your system by going to that link and navigating to your system’s installation instructions using the left navigation bar.
  2. Make sure any existing applications running on port 80 have been stopped. If you have apache server running, run:
sudo apachectl stop
  1. Open your firewall to port 80. The Commands for a CentOS 7 Firewall are:
firewall-cmd --list-all-zones
firewall-cmd --permanent --add-port=80/tcp --zone=public
firewall-cmd --permanent --add-port=80/tcp --zone=internal
firewall-cmd --reload
  1. Fetch and run the container from docker:
docker run --privileged -itd -e "container=docker" -v /sys/fs/cgroup:/sys/fs/cgroup --name essentia -p 80:80 auriqsystems/essentia /usr/sbin/init
  1. Check that the docker container is running. Run:
docker ps -a
# 4473d64057fa auriqsystems/essentia "/usr/sbin/init" About a minute ago Up 59 seconds 3306/tcp,>80/tcp, 10010-10079/tcp essentia
  1. Start the apache server by running:
docker exec -dt essentia /home/
  1. Login to the Essentia Data Lake Manager UI by accessing the url of the instance and entering the following login information:
Username: essentia
Password: essentia
  1. Change your password for the UI by clicking on Account in the topright of the UI and following the instructions.

You can then go through Getting Started, Essentia Tutorials, Data Processing Tutorials, and Essentia Examples to get familiar with Essentia.

Note: This software is subject to the End-User License Agreement located in Docker Essentia Container Install License.

Command Line Access

To access your essentia docker container via the command line, secure shell into your instance and then run:

docker exec -it essentia bash

This starts an interactive shell for the docker container so that you can enter and use the Essentia commands.

Note: Always check your version of Essentia by running ess -v. If this version does not match the version of this documentation listed in the top-left of this page, click the Versions link next to our documentation version and navigate to the documentation version that matches your version of Essentia.