File Analyzer

It is not uncommon for data scientists to spend a significant amount of time determining properties about a data set. loginf was developed to assist in the process. It scans a file and determines:

  • column names
  • type of each column (string, int, etc)
  • number of records
  • estimate of the number of unique values in the column

loginf uses an O(N) algorithm to determine these properties. In particular the uniqueness estimate is based on an algorithm which results in an answer that is accurate to within a few percent.


We will look at a simple 3 column file ( click to download donations.csv) that records the last name, city, and amount donated to a fictional charity. In the rawest form, one can execute the following to get the full output:

loginf -f donations.csv

Sources = 1
Process Time = 0.000
Original Bytes = 228
Analyzed Bytes = 228 (100.00% Original)
Original Lines = 11
Analyzed Lines = 11 (100.00% Original)
Rows = 11
Row Length Min|Max|Avg = 15|31|20.7273
Columns Min|Max = 3|3
  Value Bytes = 72 (31.58% Analyzed)
  Count = 11 (100.00% Rows)
  Value Length Min|Max|Avg = 4|9|6.54545
  Unique Estimate = 11
    Occurrence = 11 (100.00% Count)
    Sample.1 = [8]lastname
    Sample.2 = [9]Henderson
    Sample.3 = [4]Long
    Sample.4 = [9]Alexander
  Value Bytes = 95 (41.67% Analyzed)
  Count = 11 (100.00% Rows)
  Value Length Min|Max|Avg = 4|18|8.63636
  Unique Estimate = 11
    Occurrence = 11 (100.00% Count)
    Sample.1 = [4]city
    Sample.2 = [4]Ngou
    Sample.3 = [15]Lendangara Satu
    Sample.4 = [9]Carazinho
    Sample.Has binary = [18]Oborniki Śląskie
  Value Bytes = 28 (12.28% Analyzed)
  Count = 11 (100.00% Rows)
  Value Length Min|Max|Avg = 2|8|2.54545
  Unique Estimate = 10
    Occurrence = 1 (9.09% Count)
    Sample.1 = [8]donation
    Occurrence = 10 (90.91% Count)
    Numeric Min|Max = 25|50
    Sample.1 = [2]26
    Sample.2 = [2]27
    Sample.3 = [2]31
    Sample.4 = [2]35

logcnv breaks down each column. Note column three which is the numerical column. Since at first logcnv does not know if there is a header line, it identifies that 1/11 entries are strings, while the other 10/11 are integers. If you know in advance how many lines to skip at the start of a file, can can use the -f, +n attribute to skip the first n lines.

This is used for determining the column specification used in other AQ commands:

loginf -f donations.csv -o_pp_col -


It is extremely helpful when integrating new datasets with the AQ tools.

Other Notes

This utility also has the ability to store the output in a raw form that can be used to merge results from several files. This is most useful when an estimate of uniqueness is needed from a column in a set of log files that span a length of time. Refer to the loginf manual for the full syntax.