The Essentia Documentation Portal

We wrote Essentia to help solve the day-to-day ‘big data’ analysis problems we faced when processing different types of logs from different types of users. Specifically, we needed a framework that would allow us to quickly:

  • Determine the data types stored in the data
  • Organize the data into a catalog that could be used to lookup exactly the data we needed.
  • Clean the data to enable analytics.

Essentia can be used to simplify many common problems encountered by data engineers and scientists. The documentation in these pages is meant to train users on how to use and integrate Essentia into their data processing workflows.

Intended Audience

Data scientists and engineers are specifically targeted here, but anyone with a technical background that needs to deal with data will have no trouble understanding the material.

Prequisite skillset

  • Decent understanding of the Unix command line
  • shell scripting (bash for example)

Also useful

  • General understanding of the map/reduce approach
  • Cloud computing, in particular Amazon Web Services (AWS)