6. R Integration

6.1. The R Package

In order to use R with Essentia, you must install the RESS package from C-RAN. Open R and then run:


This package contains two R functions that can be used to capture the output of Essentia commands into R, essQuery and read.udb.

  • essQuery is used to directly query the database using a single statement. You can call essQuery multiple times to run different statements.
  • read.udb, on the other hand, reads all of the statements in a file. Thus if you plan to run multiple statements that may be somewhat related to each other, it is recommended that you use read.udb.

6.2. Essentia’s Environment

Both functions require an Essentia Bash script to be executed that sets up the Essentia environment and optionally loads data into the UDB database. Thus they require you to run

sh **load_script_name**.sh

In this tutorial we just want to setup a simple Essentia environment, one that runs on our local computer and scans our local filesystem for the browse and purchase data located in the tutorials/woodworking directory. If you are not already in the tutorials/woodworking directory used in the previous tutorials, switch into it now. We save the following commands to my_setup_script.sh:

ess instance local

ess datastore select ../woodworking/diy_woodworking
ess datastore scan

ess datastore rule add "*browse*gz" "browse" "YYYYMMDD"
ess datastore probe browse --apply
ess datastore category change browse dateFormat "Y.m.d.H.M.S"
ess datastore category change browse TZ GMT

ess datastore rule add "*purchase*gz" purchase "YYYYMMDD"
ess datastore probe purchase --apply
ess datastore category change purchase dateFormat "Y.m.d.H.M.S"
ess datastore category change purchase TZ GMT

and then run

sh my_setup_script.sh

6.3. essQuery

With the environment setup, we can now use essQuery to stream the browse and purchase files into two R dataframes.

The essQuery function takes three arguments: essentia_command, aq_command, and flags.

The output can be saved into an R dataframe

**my_dataframe_name** <- essQuery(essentia_command, aq_command, flags)

or directly analyzed in R. For demonstration purposes, we’ll save the output of each essQuery call to a dataframe.

First we must open an R script or the R interactive prompt and type


to tell R to use the installed RESS package. Then we run

browsedata <- essQuery("ess task stream browse '*' '*'", "aq_pp -f,+1,eok - -d %cols -notitle", "#Rinclude")

to import the browse files into R and save them as a dataframe called browsedata.

Here essentia_command is an ess task stream command pulling all of the browse data and sending it to aq_command. This aq_command then uses the ETL Engine’s preprocessor, aq_pp, to import the files with the columns defined in the scan of the data (from the Essentia’s Environment step) and export them in csv format with no header line. The #Rinclude flag tells essQuery to take the output of this statement and return it to R.

Similarly we run

purchasedata <- essQuery("ess task stream purchase '*' '*'", "aq_pp -f,+1,eok - -d %cols -notitle", "#Rinclude")

to import the purchase files into R and save them as a dataframe called purchasedata.

Alternatively, we could use ess query commands with essQuery to stream the browse and purchase data into dataframes in R. We would run

querybrowse <- essQuery("ess query", "select * from browse:*:*", "#-notitle #Rinclude")

to import the browse data and

querypurchase <- essQuery("ess query", "select * from purchase:*:*", "#-notitle #Rinclude")

to import the purchase data.

We are now free to analyze these files using the massive variety of R functions and methods. To get a quick count of the total number of rows and columns in each dataset we ran:

#[1] 299725
#[1] 3
#[1] 41031
#[1] 5
#[1] 299725
#[1] 3
#[1] 41031
#[1] 5

As you can see, both the stream and query methods of importing the files into R result in the same number of rows and columns when used on the same data over the same date range.

6.4. read.udb

An alternative way to send the files to R is to use read.udb.

read.udb requires you to store the essentia queries in a bash script and then store that script’s filename as file in R. Thus we save the following statements to myqueries.sh:

ess task stream browse '*' '*' "aq_pp -f,+1,eok - -d %cols -notitle" #Rinclude #R#browsedata#R#
ess task stream purchase '*' '*' "aq_pp -f,+1,eok - -d %cols -notitle" #Rinclude #R#purchasedata#R#
ess query "select * from browse:*:*" #-notitle #Rinclude #R#querybrowse#R#
ess query "select * from purchase:*:*" #-notitle #Rinclude #R#querypurchase#R#

and then simply have R run:

file <- "myqueries.sh"  # store myqueries.sh as file
library(RESS)           # load Essentia's R Integration package

read.udb(file)          # call read.udb to execute the essentia statements written in myqueries.sh and save them to R dataframes browsedata, purchasedata, querybrowse, and querypurchase


The output is the same as before:


6.5. Next Steps

This tutorial was meant as a simple introduction to Essentia’s R Integration and demonstrated how to use the functions inside the RESS package to send data through Essentia’s preprocessor and into R. We analyzed simple compressed, csv files and ran incredibly basic analysis. To see more advanced analysis of much more complex datasets, please read through our R Apache Analysis use case.