Essentia Commands

ess spec

Setup UDB databases and schemas

Command Arguments Description
spec reset   Wipes schema definitions
spec create database dbname –ports Adds a database entry. Specifies the number of ports to use, or if the number is between 10010 and 10079, the specific ports to use. Comma separated lists of port numbers is accepted
spec create table name colspec Adds a table entry to the active database
spec create vector name colspec Adds a vector entry to the active database
spec create variable colspec Adds a variable entry to the active database (only 1 allowed per spec)
spec drop database name Delete a database schema
spec drop table name Delete table from schema
spec drop vector name Delete vector from schema
spec drop variable   Delete variable from schema
spec use dbname Sets the active database. Subsequent table/vector/variable commands reference it
spec summary   Simply provide a summary of all known spec files
spec commit   Upload the schemas to the worker nodes.

ess udbd

Control the UDB servers

Command Arguments Description
udbd start [–ports] Start daemons (ports optional..default is all ports specified in the schemas)
udbd stop [–ports] Stop daemons
udbd status [–ports] Get status
udbd restart [–ports] Stop and Start
udbd ckmem [–ports] Query the memory usage
udbd cklog [–ports] Query the log file for activity

ess datastore

Manage data stored locally or on an S3 bucket.

Command Arguments Description
datastore select source –credentials | [–aws_access_key –aws_secret_access_key] Select the datastore to use. Must be of the form : S3://bucket/path/to/data. The index file is created if none exists. If one exists, the index file is pulled to the master node.
datastore summary   Summarize the datastore by outputing all known categories of data, their column spec, and other useful information.
datastore scan   Scan the datastore, updating the index file.
datastore purge   Delete the local copy of the index file.
datastore push   Pushed the index file to the S3 bucket
datastore rule add pattern category dateFormat Add a new rule to the database and apply it.
datastore rule delete ruleNumber Deletes the specified rule number
datastore rule change ruleNumber field newValue Changes a rule
datastore probe filename|categoryName –apply Scans a file for type, compression, etc. optionally updates the category table with the information.
datastore category change categoryName field newValue Modified information about a category
datastore sql command Applies an arbitrary sql command on the file database
datastore ls pattern Returns all files in the bucket that match the unix style glob pattern

ess task

Execute commands on master or worker nodes.

Command Arguments Description
task stream category startdate stopdate command –debug –master –threads –bulk Import data from specified category between (and including) specified dates using the specified filter. Default is to execute on worker nodes. Data is streamed, one file at a time, to the given command
task exec command –debug –threads –master Execute a command or set of commands on the workers (or master if specified)

ess instance

Manage the Essentia cluster

Command Arguments Description
instance local –ips Start a local environment using the listed ip addresses as workers
instance ec2 create –number –type create ec2 instances
instance ec2 existing reservation# reuse existing reservations
instance ec2 remove –reservation remove listed reservations from setup
instance ec2 add –reservation add additional reservations to the setup
instance ec2 terminate all|reservation terminate all instances or specific reservations
instance status –reservation status of current reservation or optionally of the given list
instance find –instance find reservations that hold a given instance

ess monitor

Monitor commands to track worker node stats.

Command Arguments Description
monitor tmon   Task monitor
monitor smon start|stop|status|restart| cksize|cktime|purge|now System monitor

ess query

SQL style query on raw logs.

Command Arguments Description
query ‘select ...’   SQL style query. ‘table’ is defined as category:date1:date2, where category matches a classified category with the datastore command, and date1/2 is the date range you want to query

ess redshift

Link Essentia and Redshift clusters

Command Arguments Description
redshift register clusterName Look up your redshift cluster and find its connection information
redshift stream category startdate stopdate command –debug –master –threads –bulk -U userName -d redshiftTableName -p password Import data from specified category between (and including) specified dates using the specified filter. Default is to execute on worker nodes. Data is streamed, one file at a time, to the given command and then into your redshift table
redshift status   Get information about the host and port

ess -v| –version

Display version information