
aq_tool output specifications


aq_command ...
  -o[,AtrLst] File


Most aq_tool commands produce one or more outputs. Specification of the output destination is generally done using the -o option. Besides the destination, the option also has output attributes that control the ouput behavior.

Note that certain aq_tools can produce multiple outputs. For example, aq_pp has a -ovar option that takes the same output attributes. The description below applies to those output specs well.

Output File Option

-o[,AtrLst] File

The -o option sets the output attributes (AtrLst) and destination (File). The destination can be a regular file or a stream:

  • For a regular file, specify the file’s path as File.
  • For a stream to the standard output, specify a - (a single dash) as File.
  • For a stream to a named pipe, specify fifo@PipeName as File where PipeName is the named pipe’s path. The program will create the pipe if it does not exist or just use it if it does. If the named pipe is known to exist already, PipeName alone also works.
  • For a stream obtained from connecting to a listener, specify connect@DomainName:Port or connect@IP4:Port or connect@[IP6]:Port as File. DomainName/IP4/IP6 and Port are the address and port to connect to.
  • For a stream obtained from accepting a connection, specify listen@DomainName:Port or listen@IP4:Port or listen@[IP6]:Port or listen@Port as File. DomainName/IP4/IP6 and Port are the address and port to listen at.

Optional AtrLst defines the output’s data format and handling characteristics. It is a list of comma separated attributes containing:

  • Output format selection:

    These attributes are mutually exclusive except for sep and csv that can be used together. If no output format attribute is given, csv is assumed.

    • csv - Output in CSV format. This is the default output format. Although CSV implies comma separated, sep=c can be used to select a different separator.
    • sep=c or sep=\xHH - Output in ‘c’ (single byte) separated value format. \xHH is a way to specify ‘c’ via its HEX value HH.
    • jsn - Output each record as an JSON object as in { "ColName":Value,...}<newline>.
    • bin - Output in aq_tool’s internal binary format.
    • aq - Output in a special aq_tool internal format that contains an embedded column spec. The output is intended for use by another aq_tool inputting in aq format.
  • Output characteristic modifiers:

    These attributes are for sep and csv formats only. The other formats (e.g., jsn) have their own specifications that cannot be modified.

    • notitle - Suppress the column name label row from the output. A label row is normally included by default.
    • fmt_g - Use “%g” as print format for F type columns. Only use this to aid data inspection (e.g., during integrity check or debugging). The default is to print up to 17 digits (the minimum precision needed to preserve the value of a F type column).
    • esc - Use a ‘\’ to escape the field separator, ‘”’ and ‘\’ characters.
  • Miscellaneous output controls:

    • app - When outputting to a file, append to it instead of overwriting.
    • nodelay - Output records as soon as possible. Otherwise, up to 16KB of data may be buffered before an output occurs.

See Also

  • aq_pp - Record preprocessor
  • aq_cnt - Data row/key count
  • aq_ord - In-memory record sort
  • aq_cat - Input multiplexer
  • aq-input - aq_tool input specifications