
Data row/key count


aq_cnt [-h] Global_Opt Input_Spec Count_Spec Output_Spec

    [-verb] [-stat] [-bz ReadBufSiz]

    [-f[,AtrLst] File [File ...]] -d ColSpec [ColSpec ...]

    [-k KeyName ColName [ColName ...]]

    [-kx|-kX[,AtrLst] File KeyName ColName [ColName ...]]
    [-o[,AtrLst] File]


aq_cnt counts and reports unique keys in a data set.

  • First, it reads data from the input in various formats (e.g., CSV) according to the input spec.
  • Then it converts the input into internal data rows according to the column spec.
  • Key columns are then stored and counted according to the key spec. Each key can have one or more columns. Multiple keys can be counted within a run.
  • At the end, a summary containg row and key counts is output by default. Values of the unique keys can also be output to key specific files.

Since the program needs to store all the unique keys in memory in order to count them, its capacity is limited by the amount of physical memory in a machine. In case there is a capacity issue, an aq_pp and Udb combination can be used to implement a scalable key counting solution.


Verbose - print program progress to stderr while processing. Usually, a marker is printed for each 10,000,000 records processed.

Print a record count summary line to stderr at the end of processing. The line has the form:

aq_cnt: rec=Count err=Count
-bz ReadBufSiz
Set input buffer length. It is also the maxium record length. If a record exceeds this length, it is considered broken and will cause the program to abort or the record to be discarded. Default length is 64KB. Use this option if a longer record is expected. ReadBufSiz is a number in bytes.
-f[,AtrLst] File [File ...]

Set the input attributes and files. If the data come from stdin, set File to ‘-‘ (a single dash). Optional AtrLst is described under Input File Attributes. If this option is not given, stdin is assumed.


$ aq_cnt ... -f,+1l,eok file1 -f file2 ...
  • File1 and file2 can have different attributes.
-d ColSpec [ColSpec ...] or
-d [SepSpec] ColSpec [[SepSpec] ColSpec ...]

Define the columns in the input records from all the -f specs. Up to 2048 ColSpec can be defined (excluding X type columns). ColSpec has the form Type[,AtrLst]:ColName. Supported Types are:

  • S - String.
  • F - Double precision floating point.
  • L - 64-bit unsigned integer.
  • LS - 64-bit signed integer.
  • I - 32-bit unsigned integer.
  • IS - 32-bit signed integer.
  • IP - v4/v6 address.
  • X[Type] - marks an unwanted input column. Type is optional. It can be one of the above (default is S). ColName is also optional. Such a name is simply discarded.

Optional AtrLst is used in conjunction with the input file attributes to determine how column data are to be extracted from the input. It is a comma separated list containing:

  • n=Len - Extract exactly Len source bytes. Use this for a fixed length data column.
  • esc - Denote that the input field uses ‘\’ as escape character. Data exported from databases (e.g. MySQL) sometimes use this format. Be careful when dealing with multibyte character set because ‘\’ can be part of a multibyte sequence.
  • clf - Denote that the input field uses these encoding methods:
    • Non-printable bytes encoded as ‘\xHH’ where HH is the hex value of the byte.
    • ‘”’ and ‘\’ encoded as ‘\”’ and ‘\\’.
    • Selected whitespaces encoded as ‘\r’, ‘\n’, ‘\t’, ‘\v’ and ‘\f’.
  • noq - Denote that the input field is not quoted. Any quotes in or around the field are considered part of the field value.
  • hex - For numeric type. Denote that the input field is in hexdecimal notation. Starting 0x is optional. For example, 100 is converted to 256 instead of 100.
  • trm - Trim leading/trailing spaces from input field value.
  • lo, up - For S type. Convert input field to lower/upper case.

ColName is case insensitive. It can have up to 31 alphanumeric and ‘_’ characters. The first character must not be a digit.

The alternate column definition involving SepSpec is designed for input data that have multibyte separators and/or varying separators from field to field. In these cases, all the separators must be individually specified. SepSpec has the form SEP:SepStr where SEP (case insensitive) is a keyword and SepStr is a literal separator of one or more bytes. A SepSpec is generally needed between two adjacent ColSpec unless the former column has a length spec.


$ aq_cnt ... -d s:Col1 s,lo:Col2 i,trm:Col3 ...
  • Col1 is a string. Col2 is also a string, but the input value will be converted to lower case. Col3 is an unsigned integer, the trm attribute removes blanks around the value before it is converted to an internal number.
$ aq_cnt ... -d sep:' [' s:time_s sep:'] "' s,clf:url sep:'"' ...
  • This parses data of the form: [01/Apr/2016:01:02:03 +0900] “/index.html”.
-k KeyName ColName [ColName ...]
Define a key named KeyName and its associated columns by ColNames. The key count will appear in the overall count summary (see -o). KeyName may be optionally preceeded by a wqy: to indicate a Web Query key. In this case, only one column is allowed in the key. The value of the column will be automatically splitted at the ‘&’ separator; each of the resulting elements will be counted as as a key value.
-kx[,AtrLst] File KeyName ColName [ColName ...]

Define a key and its columns as in -k. Additionally, output the unique key columns to File in this form:


If File is a ‘-‘ (a single dash), data will be written to stdout. Optional AtrLst is described under Output File Attributes.

Note: If this option is given, overall count summary output will be suppressed unless -o is specified explicitly.

-kX[,AtrLst] File KeyName ColName [ColName ...]

Define a key and its columns as in -k. Additionally, output the unique key columns and their occurrence count to File in this form:


If File is a ‘-‘ (a single dash), data will be written to stdout. Optional AtrLst is described under Output File Attributes.

Note: If this option is given, overall count summary output will be suppressed unless -o is specified explicitly.

-o[,AtrLst] File

Set the output attributes and file for the overall count summary. The summary has this form:


where “row” gives the row count and “KeyNames” (from -k, -kx and -kX) give their unique key counts.

If File is a ‘-‘ (a single dash), data will be written to stdout. Optional AtrLst is described under Output File Attributes.

If this option is not given and there is no -kx or -kX option, a summary will be output to stdout by default.


$ aq_cnt ... -d s:Col1 s:Col2 ip:Col3 ...
    -k Key1 Col1 -kX File2 Key2 Col3 Col2 ...
    -o -
  • Define two keys. Key1 is a single column key. Key2 is a composite key. Summary counts of Key1 and Key2 go to stdout. In addition, unique values and occurrence counts of Key2 go to File2.

Exit Status

If successful, the program exits with status 0. Otherwise, the program exits with a non-zero status code along error messages printed to stderr. Applicable exit codes are:

  • 0 - Successful.
  • 1 - Memory allocation error.
  • 2 - Command option spec error.
  • 3 - Initialization error.
  • 11 - Input open error.
  • 12 - Input read error.
  • 13 - Input processing error.
  • 21 - Output open error.
  • 22 - Output write error.

Input File Attributes

Each input option can have a list of comma separated attributes that control input processing.

Positioning the start of input:

  • +Num[b|r|l] - Specifies the number of bytes (b suffix), records (r suffix) or lines (l suffix) to skip before processing. Line is the default.

Error handling:

  • eok - Make input error non-fatal. If there is an input parse error, program will try to skip over bad/broken record. If there is an input data processing error, program will just discard the record.
  • qui - Quiet; i.e., do not print any input error message.

Input formats - these attributes are mutually exclusive except for sep=c and csv that can be used together:

  • sep=c or sep=\xHH - Input is in ‘c’ (single byte) separated value format. ‘\xHH’ is a way to specify ‘c’ via its HEX value HH.
  • csv - Input is in CSV format. This is the only format that supports quoted data fields. Although CSV implies comma separated, sep=c can be used to override this.
  • fix - Input columns are all fixed width without any separator. Individual column widths are set in the n=Len column spec attribute.
  • tab - Input is in HTML table format. Columns must be enclosed in “<td>data</td>” or “<td ...>data</td>” and rows must be terminated by a “</tr>”.
  • bin - Input is in aq_tool’s internal binary format.

These are used in conjunction with the column spec attributes:

  • esc - ‘\’ is an escape character in input fields.
  • noq - No quotes around fields in csv format.

If no input format attribute is given, csv is assumed.

Output File Attributes

Each output option can have a list of comma separated attributes:

  • notitle - Suppress the column name label row from the output. A label row is normally included by default.
  • app - When outputting to a file, append to it instead of overwriting.
  • sep=c or sep=\xHH - Output in ‘c’ (single byte) separated value format. ‘\xHH’ is a way to specify ‘c’ via its HEX value HH.
  • csv - Output in CSV format. Strings will be quoted. The default separator is comma, but sep=c can be used to override this.
  • bin - Output in aq_tool’s internal binary format.
  • esc - Use ‘\’ to escape the field separator, ‘”’ and ‘\’ (non binary).
  • noq - Do not quote string fields in csv format.
  • fmt_g - Use “%g” as print format for F type columns. Only use this to aid data inspection (e.g., during integrity check or debugging).

If no output format attribute is given, csv is assumed.

See Also

  • aq_pp - Record preprocessor
  • udbd - Udb server
  • aq_udb - Udb server interface