R Integration

These next tutorials demonstrate how to read data from various sources into R using the functions available in Essentia’s R Integration package.

Installing the R Package

In order to use R with Essentia, you must install the RESS package from C-RAN. Open R and then run:


This package contains three R functions that can be used to capture the output of Essentia commands into R.

  • read.essentia takes an Essentia script and captures the output csv data into R, where you can save the output to a dataframe or stream it directly into additional analysis. The output can only contain the csv formatted data that you want to read into R.
  • essQuery is used to directly query the database using a single statement. You can call essQuery multiple times to run different statements. You can save the output to a dataframe or stream it directly into additional analysis.
  • capture.essentia, on the other hand, takes a file containing any number of Essentia commands and captures the output of the specified statements into R dataframes. Thus if you plan to run multiple statements that may be somewhat related to each other, you may want to use capture.essentia.

Essentia’s Environment

All three functions require an Essentia Bash script to be executed that sets up the Essentia environment and optionally loads data into the UDB database. Thus they require you to run

sh **load_script_name**.sh

Examples of Essentia Environments are given in each of the tutorials below, as well as how to read the resulting data into R.