The Azure version is hosted on the Azure Marketplace, and users can use this direct link to access it.
Users are required to have an Azure account to launch this or any other Virtual Machine on the Azure cloud. Details on Azure and the sign up process are available fro Microsoft’s Azure Web Page.
The Essentia Data Lake Viewer is run on a standalone virtual machine which you can provision and control. Access is available via a web based UI and via an SSH connection. At the Azure store, click on the Create Virtual Machine button to start the provisioning process. This will redirect you to an Azure portal signin, or directly to the VM creation blade if already signed in.
In the creation blade, the Essentia Data Lake Viewer product will be listed. Clicking on that leads to a series of new blades requiring configuration information from the user.
The instructions below are meant to get Azure subscribers up and running with Essentia quickly. Users are encouraged to review the Azure documentation for a more full explanation of some of the settings. The five sections below represent the 5 creation steps listed in the Azure blade during provisioning. After each step, clicking OK will move to the next step in the chain.
Once the ‘BUY” option is worked through, the ‘CREATE’ button in the remaining blade will be opened. Press this to provision the instance and launch Essentia.
Assuming deployment is successfull, a VM will be created. Typically the access point will be of the form
is the VM name chosen in step 1 above.
Once the VM is running, a web server will start. Connect to your instance via any web browser and you will be asked to provide a UI admin username and password. This can be the same as in step 1 above, but does not have to be.