
Input multiplexer


aq_cat [-h] Global_Opt Input_Spec Output_Spec

    [-verb] [-stat]

    [-f[,AtrLst] File [File ...]] [-d ColSpec [ColSpec ...]]

    [-o[,AtrLst] File] [-c ColName [ColName ...]]


aq_cat is a multiplexer that concatenates multiple input streams into a single output stream. The output can then be stored as a single unit or piped to another command for further processing. Records from the streams can be in delimiter-separated-values (e.g., CSV) format or aq_tool’s internal binary format.

The tool has two modes of actions:

  • Without column spec - This is the simplest usage. The iuputs must be records of delimiter-separated-values. The output will be in the same format. All inputs should be in the same format; otherwise, the output will contain mixed format data. Alternative output format (e.g., binary mode) is not supported. Output columns can be selected by column numbers.
  • With column spec - This mode is more versatile. The iuputs can be in delimiter-separated-values formats, aq_tool’s internal binary format or a mix. The output can either be in CSV or aq_tool’s internal binary format. Output columns can be selected by names.

The input streams for the tool are usually output from other commands. Generally, the streams can be constructed using named pipes or bash‘s process substition feature. For example,

$ mkfifo stream_1 stream_2
$ Command_1 > stream_1 &
$ Command_2 > stream_2 &
$ aq_cat ... -f stream_1 stream_2 | Command_3 ...
$ rm -f stream_1 stream_2
  • Directed the output from Command_1 and Command_2 into aq_cat via named pipes.
bash$ aq_cat ... -f <( Command_1 ) <( Command_1 ) | Command_3 ...
  • This behaves like the previous example except that bash‘s process substition has been used to run Command_1 and Command_2 and to manage their outputs.


Verbose - print program progress to stderr while processing. Usually, a marker is printed for each 10,000,000 records processed.

Print a record count summary line to stderr at the end of processing. The line has the form:

aq_cat: rec=Count err=Count out=Count
-f[,AtrLst] File [File ...]

Set the input attributes and files. See the aq_tool input specifications manual for details. Note that the input sources are typically streams, as described under Description.


$ aq_cat ... -f,+1l stream_1 stream_2 ...
  • Skip the first line from each stream before loading.
-d ColSpec [ColSpec ...]

Optionally define the input data columns. See the aq_tool input specifications manual for details. In general, ColSpec has the form Type[,AtrLst]:ColName. Supported Types are:

  • S - String.
  • F - Double precision floating point.
  • L - 64-bit unsigned integer.
  • LS - 64-bit signed integer.
  • I - 32-bit unsigned integer.
  • IS - 32-bit signed integer.
  • IP - v4/v6 address.

Optional AtrLst is a comma separated list of column specific attributes. ColName is the column name (case insensitive). It can contain up to 31 alphanumeric and ‘_’ characters. Its first character cannot be a digit.


$ aq_cat ... -d s:Col1 s,lo:Col2 i,trm:Col3 ...
  • Col1 is a string. Col2 is also a string, but the input value will be converted to lower case. Col3 is an unsigned integer, the trm attribute removes blanks around the value before it is converted to an internal number.
[-o[,AtrLst] File] [-c ColName [ColName ...]]

Output data rows. Optional “-o[,AtrLst] File” sets the output attributes and file. See the aq_tool output specifications manual for details.

Optional “-c ColName [ColName ...]” selects the columns to output. ColName refers to a column defined under -d. A ColName can be preceeded with a ~ mark. This means that the column is to be excluded. If no -d is given, the desired column numbers or number ranges (one-based) can specified instead (e.g ”... -c 5-3 1 2 ...”). Negation does not work on column number spec. Without -c, all columns are selected by default. If -c is specified without a prior -o, output will got to stdout.

Multiple sets of “-o ... -c ...” can be specified.


$ aq_cat ... --d s:Col1 s:Col2 s:Col3 ... -o - -c Col2 Col1
  • Output Col2 and Col1 (in that order) to stdout.
$ aq_cat ...  -o - -c 2 1
  • With no -d spec, columns can only be selected by their column numbers. Most output attributes are not applicable either.

Exit Status

If successful, the program exits with status 0. Otherwise, the program exits with a non-zero status code along error messages printed to stderr. Applicable exit codes are:

  • 0 - Successful.
  • 1 - Memory allocation error.
  • 2 - Command option spec error.
  • 3 - Initialization error.
  • 4 - System error.
  • 5 - Missing or invalid license.
  • 11 - Input open error.
  • 12 - Input read error.
  • 13 - Input processing error.
  • 21 - Output open error.
  • 22 - Output write error.

See Also

  • aq-input - aq_tool input specifications
  • aq-output - aq_tool output specifications
  • aq_pp - Record preprocessor