
aq_tool eval functions


aq_command ... -eval ColName '... Func(arg, ...) ...'


Functions are designed to perform more complicated processings than what the builtin evaluation and filtering operators provide. Supported fubnctions are:

They can be used in any evaluation and filtering expressions in the aq_pp and aq_udb commands. A function always returns a value. The value can either be the actual result or a status code. In general,

  • For functions that always succeed, their results are returned directly. For example, Min() returns the minimum value among its arguments, ToS() returns the string representation of its argument, etc.
  • For functions that may fail, a numeric status code is returned. The code is usually 0 for a failed operation and non-zero otherwise. The code can also be a count that indicates the number of successful operations (e.g., QryDec()).

If the return code is not needed, invoke the function this way:

$ aq_command ... -eval - Func(...) ...

String property functions


Returns the numeric hash value of a string.

  • Val can be a string column’s name, a string constant, or an expression that evaluates to a string.


$ aq_command ... -filt 'SHash(String_Col) % 10 == 0' ...
  • A way to sample 1/10th of String_Col‘s unique values.

Returns the length of a string.

  • Val can be a string column’s name, a string constant, or an expression that evaluates to a string.


$ aq_command ... -eval Integer_Col 'SLeng(String_Col)' ...
$ aq_command ... -filt 'SLeng(String_Col) < 10' ...

Math functions


Rounds Val up to the nearest integral value and returns the result.

  • Val can be a numeric column’s name, a numeric constant, or an expression that evaluates to a number.

Rounds Val down to the nearest integral value and returns the result.

  • Val can be a numeric column’s name, a numeric constant, or an expression that evaluates to a number.

Rounds Val up/down to the nearest integral value and returns the result. Half way cases are rounded away from zero.

  • Val can be a numeric column’s name, a numeric constant, or an expression that evaluates to a number.

Computes the absolute value of Val and returns the result.

  • Val can be a numeric column’s name, a numeric constant, or an expression that evaluates to a number.
Min(Val1, Val2 [, Val3 ...]), Max(Val1, Val2 [, Val3 ...])

Returns the smallest or greatest value among Val1, Val2 and so on.

  • Each Val can be a numeric column’s name, a number, or an expression that evaluates to a number.
  • If all values are integers, the result will also be an integer.
  • If any value is a floating point number, the result will be a floating point number.


$ aq_command ... -eval Float_Col 'Min(1, Integer_Col, Float_Col)' ...
$ aq_command ... -eval Integer_Col 'Min(ToI(String_Col), Integer_Col)' ...

Computes the square root of Val.

  • Val can be a numeric column’s name, a numeric constant, or an expression that evaluates to a number.

Computes the cube root of Val.

  • Val can be a numeric column’s name, a numeric constant, or an expression that evaluates to a number.

Computes the natural logarithm of Val.

  • Val can be a numeric column’s name, a numeric constant, or an expression that evaluates to a number.

Computes the base 10 logarithm of Val.

  • Val can be a numeric column’s name, a numeric constant, or an expression that evaluates to a number.

Computes e (natural logarithm’s base) raised to the power of Val.

  • Val can be a numeric column’s name, a numeric constant, or an expression that evaluates to a number.

Computes 10 raised to the power of Val.

  • Val can be a numeric column’s name, a numeric constant, or an expression that evaluates to a number.
Pow(Val, Power)

Computes Val raised to the power of Power.

  • Val and Power can be a numeric column’s name, a numeric constant, or an expression that evaluates to a number.

Tests if Val is not-a-number.

  • Returns 1 if true (not-a-number), 0 otherwise.
  • Val can be a numeric column’s name, a numeric constant, or an expression that evaluates to a number.

Tests if Val is infinite.

  • Returns 1, -1 or 0 if the value is positive infinity, negative infinity or finite respectively.
  • Val can be a numeric column’s name, a numeric constant, or an expression that evaluates to a number.

Comparison functions

BegCmp(Val, BegStr [, BegStr ...])

Compares one or more starting string BegStr with the head of Val. All the comparisons are case sensitive.

  • Returns 1 if there is a match, 0 otherwise.
  • Val can be a string column’s name, a string constant, or an expression that evaluates to a string.
  • Each BegStr is a string constant that specifies the starting string to match.


$ aq_command ... -filt 'BegCmp(String_Col, "* ABC *")' ...
  • Match a literal “* ABC *” with the head of the value of String_Col. Note that ‘*’ has no special meaning here.
EndCmp(Val, EndStr [, EndStr ...])

Compares one or more ending string EndStr with the tail of Val. All the comparisons are case sensitive.

  • Returns 1 if there is a match, 0 otherwise.
  • Val can be a string column’s name, a string constant, or an expression that evaluates to a string.
  • Each EndStr is a string constant that specifies the ending string to match.


$ aq_command ... -filt 'EndCmp(String_Col, "* ABC *")' ...
  • Match a literal “* ABC *” with the tail of the value of String_Col. Note that ‘*’ has no special meaning here.
SubCmp(Val, SubStr [, SubStr ...])

Compares one or more substring SubStr with with any part of Val. All the comparisons are case sensitive.

  • Returns 1 if there is a match, 0 otherwise.
  • Val can be a string column’s name, a string constant, or an expression that evaluates to a string.
  • Each SubStr is a string constant that specifies the substring to match.


$ aq_command ... -filt 'SubCmp(String_Col, "* ABC *", "D * E")' ...
  • Match a literal “* ABC *or a literal “D * E” with any part of the value of String_Col. Note that ‘*’ has no special meaning here.
SubCmpAll(Val, SubStr [, SubStr ...])

Compares one or more substring SubStr with any part of Val. All the comparisons are case sensitive.

  • Returns 1 if all the substrings match, 0 otherwise.
  • Val can be a string column’s name, a string constant, or an expression that evaluates to a string.
  • Each SubStr is a string constant that specifies the substring to match.


$ aq_command ... -filt 'SubCmpAll(String_Col, "* ABC *", "D * E")' ...
  • Match a literal “* ABC *and a literal “D * E” within the value of String_Col. Note that ‘*’ has no special meaning here.
MixedCmp(Val, SubStr, Typ [, SubStr, Typ ...])

Compares one or more substring SubStr with Val according to the corresponding comparison type Typ of each SubStr. All the comparisons are case sensitive.

  • Returns 1 if there is a match, 0 otherwise.
  • Val can be a string column’s name, a string constant, or an expression that evaluates to a string.
  • Each SubStr and Typ pair specifies what and how to match. SubStr is a string constant that specifies the substring to match. Typ is a name with one of these values:
    • BEG - Match with the head of Val.
    • END - Match with the tail of Val.
    • SUB - Match with any part of Val.


$ aq_command ... -filt 'MixedCmp(String_Col, "* ABC *", BEG, "D * E", END)' ...
  • Match a literal “* ABC *” with the head of the value of String_Col or match a literal “D * E” with the tail of the value of String_Col. Note that ‘*’ has no special meaning here.
MixedCmpAll(Val, SubStr, Typ [, SubStr, Typ ...])

Compares one or more substring SubStr with Val according to the corresponding comparison type Typ of each SubStr. All the comparisons are case sensitive.

  • Returns 1 if all the substrings match, 0 otherwise.
  • Val can be a string column’s name, a string constant, or an expression that evaluates to a string.
  • Each SubStr and Typ pair specifies what and how to match. SubStr is a string constant that specifies the substring to match. Typ is a name with one of these values:
    • BEG - Match with the head of Val.
    • END - Match with the tail of Val.
    • SUB - Match with any part of Val.


$ aq_command ... -filt 'MixedCmpAll(String_Col, "* ABC *", BEG, "D * E", END)' ...
  • Match a literal “* ABC *” with the head of the value of String_Col and match a literal “D * E” with the tail of the value of String_Col. Note that ‘*’ has no special meaning here.
Contain(Val, SubStrs)

Compares the substrings in SubStrs with any part of Val. All the comparisons are case sensitive.

  • Returns 1 if there is a match, 0 otherwise.
  • Val can be a string column’s name, a string constant, or an expression that evaluates to a string.
  • SubStrs is a string constant that specifies what substrings to match. It is a comma-newline separated list of literal substrings of the form “SubStr1,[\r]\nSubStr2...”.


$ aq_command ... -filt 'Contain(String_Col, "* ABC *,\nD * E")' ...
  • Match a literal “* ABC *or a literal “D * E” with any part of the value of String_Col.
ContainAll(Val, SubStrs)

Compares the substrings in SubStrs with any part of Val. All the comparisons are case sensitive.

  • Returns 1 if all the substrings match, 0 otherwise.
  • Val can be a string column’s name, a string constant, or an expression that evaluates to a string.
  • SubStrs is a string constant that specifies what substrings to match. It is a comma-newline separated list of literal substrings of the form “SubStr1,[\r]\nSubStr2...”.


$ aq_command ... -filt 'ContainAll(String_Col, "* ABC *,\nD * E")' ...
  • Match a literal “* ABC *and a literal “D * E” with any part of the value of String_Col.
PatCmp(Val, Pattern [, AtrLst])

Compares a generic wildcard pattern with Val.

  • Returns 1 if it matches, 0 otherwise. Pattern must match the entire Val to be successful.
  • Val can be a string column’s name, a string constant, or an expression that evaluates to a string.
  • Pattern is a string constant that specifies the pattern to match. It is a simple wildcard pattern containing just ‘*’ (matches any number of bytes) and ‘?’ (matches any 1 byte) only; literal ‘*’, ‘?’ and ‘\’ in the pattern must be ‘\’ escaped.
  • Optional AtrLst is a list of | separated attributes containing:
    • ncas - Perform a case insensitive match (default is case sensitive). For ASCII data only.


$ aq_command ... -filt 'PatCmp(String_Col, "* ABC *")' ...
$ aq_command ... -filt 'PatCmp(String_Col, "* \"ABC\" *")' ...
$ aq_command ... -filt 'PatCmp(String_Col, "* \"\\\\ & \\*\" *")' ...
  • The first example matches values of String_Col that contain a literal ” ABC ”.
  • The second example matches values of String_Col that contain a literal ” "ABC" ”. Note the “\"” escape sequence used on the literal quotes in the pattern. it is necessary because the Pattern is given as a double quoted string constant.
  • The third example matches values containing a literal ” "\ & *" ”. This literal contains special pattern characters “\” and “*” that must be escaped, so the desire pattern is ” "\\ & \*" ”. Finally, to specify this as a double quoted string constant, the quotes and backslashes must be escaped, resulting in ” \"\\\\ & \\*\" ”.
$ aq_command ... -filt 'PatCmp(String_Col, "* ABC *", ncas)' ...
  • Same as the first example above except for the case insensitive attribute.
RxCmp(Val, Pattern [, AtrLst])

Compares a string with a regular expression.

  • Returns 1 if they match, 0 otherwise. Pattern only needs to match a subpart of Val to be successful.
  • Val can be a string column’s name, a string constant, or an expression that evaluates to a string.
  • Pattern is a string constant that specifies the regular expression to match.
  • Optional AtrLst is a list of | separated regular expression attributes.


$ aq_command ... -filt 'RxCmp(String_Col, "^.* ABC .*$")' ...
$ aq_command ... -filt 'RxCmp(String_Col, "^.* \"ABC\" .*$")' ...
$ aq_command ... -filt 'RxCmp(String_Col, "^.* \"\\\\ & \\*\" .*$")' ...
  • Performs the same matches as the PatCmp() examples.
  • The ^ and $ in the above expressions are not strictly necessary because of the leading and trailing .*.
NumCmp(Val1, Val2, Delta)

Tests if Val1 and Val2 are within Delta of each other - i.e., whether Abs(Val1 - Val2) <= Delta.

  • Returns 1 if true, 0 otherwise.
  • Val1, Val2 and Delta can be a numeric column’s name, a numeric constant, or an expression that evaluates to a number.
  • Delta should be greater than or equal to zero.

Data extraction and encode/decode functions

SubStr(Val, Start [, Length])

Returns a substring of a string.

  • Val can be a string column’s name, a string constant, or an expression that evaluates to a string.
  • Start is the starting position (zero-based) of the substring in Val. It can be a numeric column’s name, a number, or an expression that evaluates to a number.
    • If Start is negative, the length of Val will be added to it. If it is still negative, 0 will be used.
  • Optional Length specifies the length of the substring in Val. It can be a numeric column’s name, a number, or an expression that evaluates to a number.
    • Max length is length of Val minus Start.
    • If Length is not specified, max length is assumed.
    • If Length is negative, max length will be added to it. If it is still negative, 0 will be used.


$ aq_command ... -eval String_Col 'SubStr(Str2, SLeng(Str2) - 2, 1)' ...
$ aq_command ... -eval String_Col 'SubStr(Str2, -2, 1)' ...
  • These yield the same result.
ClipStr(Val, ClipSpec)

Returns a substring of a string.

  • Val can be a string column’s name, a string constant, or an expression that evaluates to a string.

  • ClipSpec is a string constant that specifies how to clip the substring from the source. It is a sequence of individual clip elements separated by “;”:


    Each clip elements exacts either the starting or trailing portion of the source. The first element clips the input Val, the second element clips the result from the first, and so on. The components in a clip element are:

    • ! - The negation operator inverts the result of the clip. In other words, if the original clipped result is the starting portion of the source, negating that gives the tailing portion.
    • Num - The number of bytes or separators (see Sep below) to clip.
    • - (a dash) - Do not include the last separator (see Sep below) in the result.
    • Dir - The clip direction. Specify a “>” to clip from the beginning to the end. Specify a “<” to clip backward from the end to the beginning.
    • Sep - Optional single byte clip separator. If given, a substring containing up to (and including, unless a “-” is given) Num separators will be clipped in the Dir direction. If no separator is given, Num bytes will be clipped in the the same way.
  • Do not put a “;” at the end of ClipSpec. The reason is that it could be misinterpreted as the Sep for the last clip element.


$ aq_command ... -eval String_Col 'ClipStr(Str2, "2>/")' ...
  • Clips up to and including the 2nd “/” from Str2. That is, if Str2 is “/A/B/C”, then the result will be “/A/”.
StrIndex(Val, Str [, AtrLst])

Returns the position (zero-based) of the first occurrence of Str in Val or -1 if it is not found.

  • Val can be a string column’s name, a string constant, or an expression that evaluates to a string.
  • Str is the value to find within Val. It can be a string column’s name, a string constant, or an expression that evaluates to a string.
  • Optional AtrLst is a list of | separated attributes containing:
    • ncas - Perform a case insensitive match (default is case sensitive). For ASCII data only.
    • back - Search backwards from the end of Val.


$ aq_command ... -filt 'StrIndex(Str1, Str2, ncas) >= 0' ...
  • Select records whose Str1 contains Str2 (case insensitive).
$ aq_command ... -eval is:Pos 'StrIndex(Str1, Str2, ncas)' ...
  • If the result is to be assigned to a column, remember to use a signed numeric type since the result can be -1.
RxMap(Val, MapFrom [, Col, MapTo ...] [, AtrLst])

Extracts substrings from a string based on a MapFrom expression and place the results in columns based on MapTo expressions.

  • Returns 1 if successful or 0 otherwise. MapFrom only needs to match a subpart of Val to be successful.

  • Val can be a string column’s name, a string constant, or an expression that evaluates to a string.

  • MapFrom is a string constant that specifies the regular expression to match. The expression should contain subexpressions for substring extractions.

  • The Col and MapTo pairs define how to save the results. Col is the column to put the result in. It must be of string type. MapTo is a string constant that defines how to render the result. It has the form:


    where %%subexpression_N%% represents the extracted substring of the Nth subexpression in MapFrom.

  • Optional AtrLst is a list of | separated regular expression attributes.


$ aq_command ... -eval - 'RxMap(String_Col, "^\(.*\) ABC \(.*\)$", OutCol1, "%%1%%", OutCol2, "%%2%%-%%1%%")' ...
  • Extracts the substrings before and after ” ABC ”. Then place different combinations of the substrings in 2 columns.
KeyEnc(Col, [, Col ...])

Encodes columns of various types into a single string.

  • Returns a string key. The key is binary, do not try to interpret or modify it.
  • Col are the columns to encode into the key.


$ aq_command ... -eval s:Key 'KeyEnc(Col1, Col5, Col3)' ...
  • Encodes 3 columns in the given order into Key.
KeyDec(Key, Col|"ColType" [, Col|"ColType" ...])

Decodes a key previously encoded by KeyEnc() and place the resulting components in the given columns.

  • Returns 1 if successful. A failure is considered a processing error. There is no failure return value.
  • Key is the previously encoded value. It can be a string column’s name, a string constant or an expression that evaluates to a string.
  • Each Col or ColType specifies a components in the key.
    • If a column is given, a component matching the column’s type is expected; the extracted value will be placed in the given column.
    • If a column type string is given, a component matching this type is expected, but the extracted value will not be saved.
  • The components must be given in the same order as in the encoding call.


$ aq_command ... -eval - 'KeyDec(String_Col, Col1, "I", Col3)' ...
  • Extracts and saves the 1st and 3rd components in the key. A type must be given for the 2nd component even though its value is not needed.
QryDec(Val, [, AtrLst], Col, KeyName [, AtrLst] [, Col, KeyName [, AtrLst] ...])

Extracts the values of selected query parameters from Val and place the results in columns.

  • Returns the number of parameters extracted.

  • Val can be a string column’s name, a string constant or an expression that evaluates to a string.

  • Optional AtrLst following Val sets the default extraction behavior. It is a list of | separated attributes containing:

    • beg=c - Skip over the initial portion of Val up to and including the first ‘c’ character (single byte). A common value for ‘c’ is ‘?’. Without this attribute, the entire Val will be used.
    • zero - Zero out all destination columns before extraction.
    • dec=Num - Number of times to perform URL decode on the extracted values. Num must be between 0 and 99. Default is 1.
    • trm=c - Trim one leading and/or trailing ‘c’ character (single byte) from the decoded extracted values.

    A commonly used combination is beg=?,zero which processes the query portion of an URL and zero out all output columns before processing each URL in case certain parameters are not in the query.

  • The Col, KeyName and optional AtrLst sets define what to extract. Col is the column to save the extracted value in. KeyName is a string constant that specifies the query key to extract. It should be URL decoded. Optional AtrLst sets the key specific extraction behavior. It is a list of | separated attributes containing:

    • zero - Zero out the destination column before extraction.
    • dec=Num - Number of times to perform URL decode on the extracted value of this Key. Num must be between 0 and 99.
    • trm=c - Trim one leading and/or trailing ‘c’ character (single byte) from the decoded extracted value.


$ aq_command ... -eval - 'QryDec(String_Col, "beg=?", Col1, "k1", Col2, "k1", zero)' ...
  • Extracts up to 2 values of “k1” into columns Col1 and Col2 from String_Col after the first “?”. This assumes k1 may appear more than once in the query.

URL-encode a string.

  • Returns the encoded result.
  • Val is the string to encoded. It can be a string column’s name, a string constant or an expression that evaluates to a string.

Decodes an URL-encoded string.

  • Returns the decoded result.
  • Val is an URL-encoded string. It can be a string column’s name, a string constant or an expression that evaluates to a string.

Base64-encode a string.

  • Returns the encoded result.
  • Val is the string to encode. It can be a string column’s name, a string constant or an expression that evaluates to a string.

Decodes a base64-encoded string.

  • Returns the decoded result. There is no integrity check. Portions of Val that is not base64-encoded are simply skipped. As a result, the function may return a blank string.
  • Val is a base64-encoded string. It can be a string column’s name, a string constant or an expression that evaluates to a string.

General data conversion functions


Returns the IP address value of Val.

  • Val can be a string/IP column’s name, a string constant, or an expression that evaluates to a string/IP.


$ aq_command ... -eval IP_Col 'ToIP("")' ...
$ aq_command ... -eval IP_Col 'ToIP(String_Col)' ...

Returns the floating point value of Val.

  • Val can be a string/numeric column’s name, a string/numeric constant, or an expression that evaluates to a string/number.


$ aq_command ... -eval Float_Col 'ToF("0.1234")' ...
$ aq_command ... -eval Float_Col 'ToF(String_Col)' ...

Returns the integral value of Val.

  • Val can be a string/numeric column’s name, a string/numeric constant, or an expression that evaluates to a string/number.


$ aq_command ... -eval Integer_Col 'ToI("1234")' ...
$ aq_command ... -eval Integer_Col 'ToI(String_Col)' ...

Returns the string representation of Val.

  • Val can be a numeric column’s name, a string/numeric/IP constant, or an expression that evaluates to a string/number/IP.


$ aq_command ... -eval String_Col 'ToS(1234)' ...
$ aq_command ... -eval String_Col 'ToS(Integer_Col)' ...
$ aq_command ... -eval String_Col 'ToS(' ...
$ aq_command ... -eval String_Col 'ToS(IP_Col)' ...
ToUpper(Val), ToLower(Val)

Returns the upper or lower case string representation of Val.

  • For ASCII strings only. May corrupt multibyte character strings.
  • Val can be a string column’s name, a string constant, or an expression that evaluates to a string.

Irreversibly masks (or obfuscates) a string value. The result should be nearly as unique as the original (the probability of two different values having the same masked value is extremely small).

  • Val can be a string column’s name, a string constant, or an expression that evaluates to a string.
  • The length of the result may be the same or longer than the original.
RxReplace(Val, RepFrom, Col, RepTo [, AtrLst])

Replaces the first or all occurrences of a substring in Val matching expression RepFrom with expression RepTo and place the result in Col.

  • Returns the number of replacements performed or 0 if there is no match.

  • Val can be a string column’s name, a string constant, or an expression that evaluates to a string.

  • RepFrom is a string constant that specifies the regular expression to match. Substring(s) matching this expression will be replaced. The expression can contain subexpressions that can be referenced in RepTo.

  • Col is the column to put the result in. It must be of string type.

  • RepTo is an expression defining the replace-to value of each substring matching RepFrom. It has this general form:


    %%subexpression_N%% represents the substring that matches the Nth subexpression in RepFrom.

  • Optional AtrLst is a list of | separated attributes containing:


$ aq_command ... -eval - 'RxReplace(String_Col, " *", OutCol, "\n", "all")' ...
  • Replaces all sequences of one or more blanks with newlines.
RxRep(Val, RepFrom, RepTo [, AtrLst])
The same as RxReplace() except that it returns the result string directly (for this reason, it does not have RxReplace()‘s Col argument).

Date/Time conversion functions

DateToTime(DateVal, DateFmt), GmDateToTime(DateVal, DateFmt)

  • By default, both functions return the UNIX time in integral seconds corresponding to DateVal. However, if %S1, ..., %S9 is used, the result will be in deci-seconds, ..., nano-seconds.
  • DateVal can be a string column’s name, a string constant, or an expression that evaluates to a string.
  • DateFmt is a string constant that specifies the format of DateVal. The format is a sequence of conversion codes:
    • (a dot) . - represent a single unwanted character (e.g., a separator).
    • %Y - 1-4 digit year.
    • %y - 1-2 digit year.
    • %m - Month in 1-12.
    • %b - Abbreviated English month name (“JAN” ... “DEC”, case insensitive).
    • %d - Day of month in 1-31.
    • %H or %I - hour in 0-23 or 1-12.
    • %M - Minute in 0-59.
    • %S - Second in 0-59.
    • %S0 to %S9 - Second in 0-59 plus an optional .digits fraction (any number of digits is fine). The result will be in sub-seconds - deci-seconds for %S1, centi-seconds for %S2, milli-seconds for %S3, and so on. %S0 is a special case where the fraction is parsed by not used in the result.
    • %p - AM/PM (case insensitive).
    • %z - Offset from GMT in the form [+|-]HHMM.
  • If DateVal contains GMT offset information (%z info), the UNIX time will be calculated using this offset. Both functions will return the same result.
  • If there is no GMT offset in DateVal, DateToTime() will return a UNIX time based on the program’s default timezone (set the program’s timezone, e.g, via the TZ environment, before execution if necessary) while GmDateToTime() will return a UNIX time based on GMT.


$ aq_command ... -eval I:Sec 'DateToTime(Str2, "%Y.%m.%d.%H.%M.%S......%z")' ...
  • This format is designed for a date string (Str2) like “1969-12-31 16:00:01.1234 -0800”. Note the use of extra dots in the format to map out the unwanted “.1234”.
$ aq_command ... -eval L:MSec 'DateToTime(Str2, "%Y.%m.%d.%H.%M.%S3.%z")' ...
  • This format is designed for a date string (Str2) like “1969-12-31 16:00:01.1234 -0800”. Note the use of %S3 to extract milliseconds. The result is placed in an L column because I may overflow.
TimeToDate(TimeVal, DateFmt), TimeToGmDate(TimeVal, DateFmt)

Both functions return the date string corresponding to TimeVal. The result string’s maximum length is 127.

  • TimeVal can be a numeric column’s name, a numeric constant, or an expression that evaluates to a number.
  • DateFmt is a string constant that specifies the format of the output. See the strftime() C function manual page regarding the format of DateFmt.
  • The TimeToDate() conversion is timezone dependent. It is done using the program’s default timezone. Set the program’s timezone, e.g, via the TZ environment, before execution if necessary.
  • The TimeToGmDate() conversion always gives a date in GMT.


$ aq_command ... -eval String_Col 'TimeToDate(Int2, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %z")' ...
  • Outputs date in “1969-12-31 16:00:01 -0800” format.

Character set encoding conversion functions

These functions are implemented using the standard iconv library support. Therefore, supported conversions are iconv dependent. Run “iconv --list” to see the supported encodings.

IConv(Val, FromCodes, ToCode)

Converts a string from one character set encoding to another.

  • Returns the converted string if successful. If multiple FromCodes (see below) are given, the first code that successfully converted the most amount of Val will be used. The function fails if no conversion was successful.
  • Val can be a string column’s name, a string constant, or an expression that evaluates to a string.
  • FromCodes is a string constant containing a semi-colon separated list of character sets to try to convert from - e.g., “utf8;euc-jp;sjis”.
    • A conversion is successful when all the data from Val is converted.
    • To allow partial conversion on Val, add an eok attribute to the desired character set - e.g., “euc-jp;sjis,eok;utf8”. This conversion always succeeds, even when nothing can be converted.
    • A character set of “.” (a dot) will use Val as the converted result. This conversion always succeeds. Use this at the end of the list as a fallback if desired - e.g., “utf8;euc-jp;sjis;.”.
    • A character set of “-” (a dash) will use a blank as the converted result. This conversion always succeeds. Use this at the end of the list as a fallback if desired - e.g., “utf8;euc-jp;sjis;-”.
  • ToCode is a string constant containing the character set to convert to - e.g., “utf8”.


$ aq_command ... -eval String_Col 'IConv(Japanese_Col, "sjis;euc-jp", "utf8")' ...
$ aq_command ... -eval String_Col 'IConv(Japanese_Col, "sjis;euc-jp;.", "utf8")' ...
$ aq_command ... -eval String_Col 'IConv(Japanese_Col, "sjis;euc-jp;-", "utf8")' ...
$ aq_command ... -eval String_Col 'IConv(Japanese_Col, "sjis,eok;euc-jp", "utf8")' ...
  • All the commands convert Japanese_Col from either SJIS or EUC into UTF8.
  • Command #1 - both the SJIS-UTF8 and EUC-UTF8 conversions must be exact. If neither were successful, the function fails.
  • Command #2 - similar to #1 except that the input is used as the result if neither conversions were successful.
  • Command #3 - similar to #1 except that a blank is used as the result if neither conversions were successful.
  • Command #4 - the SJIS-UTF8 conversion can be partial while the EUC-UTF8 conversion must still be exact.

Key hashing functions

KeyHash(Col, [, Col ...])

Hashes the given columns into a 32-bit hash value. This is the hash value used by Udb internally. It is a good quality hash suitable for many uses (other than the 2 cases covered by ImpHash() and SegHash()).

  • Returns a 32-bit hash value.
  • Col are the columns to be hashed.
ImpHash(Col, [, Col ...])

Hashes the given columns into a 32-bit hash value. This is the hash value used by aq_pp to distribute data over Udb workers during an import. Use this to reproduce the Udb data distribution behavior as needed.

  • Returns a 32-bit hash value.
  • Col are the columns to be hashed.
SegHash(Col, [, Col ...])

Hashes the given columns into a 32-bit hash value. This is the hash value used by aq_pp to select sample data for import into Udb. Use this to reproduce Udb import’s data sampling behavior as needed.

  • Returns a 32-bit hash value.
  • Col are the columns to be hashed.

Speciality functions

Set(NameStr, Val)

Sets a column of name NameStr to value Val. Note that the target column is determined at runtime during each evaluation.

  • Returns 1 if successful, 0 if the column cannot be found or if there is a datatype mismatch so that the assignment cannot be done.
  • NameStr is the target column name. It can be a string column’s name, or an expression that evaluates to a string. It can also be a string constant; however, if this is the case, the standard -eval assignment should be used instead.
  • Val is the value to assign to the target column. It must have the same type as the target column. It can be a column’s name, a constant, or an expression that evaluates to a value.

RTmetrics functions

These functions provide some of the RTmetrics capabilities. They require some support files to operate. A set of default support files are included with the aq_tool installation package.

SearchKey(Site, Path), SearchKey(Url)

Extracts search key from the given site/path combination or URL. The extraction is done according to the rules in a search engine database supplied with the tool.

  • Returns the extracted search key (string).
    • A blank is returned if the site is not a search engine.
    • A “-” is returned if the site is a search engine but there is no search key.
  • Site, Path and Url can be a string column’s name, a string constant or an expression that evaluates to a string.
  • Site has the form “[http[s]://]site”; Path has the form “/[path[?query]]”.
  • Url has the form “[http[s]://]site/[path[?query]]”.


$ aq_command ... -eval String_Col 'SearchKey(Str2, Str3)' ...
$ aq_command ... -eval String_Col 'SearchKey("", "/search?q=Keyword")' ...
$ aq_command ... -eval String_Col 'SearchKey(Str4)' ...
$ aq_command ... -eval String_Col 'SearchKey("")' ...

Looks up the given IP and return a “country_info[:region_info]” string.

  • The return string is a compact code suitable for data analysis. For reporting, use CountryName() and CountryRegion() to convert the code to names.
  • Ip can be a IP column’s name, a literal IP or an expression that evaluates to an IP.


$ aq_command ... -eval String_Col 'IpToCountry(IP_Col)' ...
$ aq_command ... -eval String_Col 'IpToCountry(' ...
CountryName(Code), CountryRegion(Code)

CountryName() returns the country name (string) corresponding to the country info in Code.
CountryRegion() returns the region name (string) corresponding to the region info in Code.

  • Code can be a string column’s name, a string constant or an expression that evaluates to a string. It should contain a value previously returned from IpToCountry().
  • If Code does not contain any country/region info, a blank string is returned.


$ aq_command ... -eval String_Code_Col 'IpToCountry(IP_Col)' ...
    -eval String_Name_Col 'CountryName(String_Code_Col)' ...
    -eval String_Region_Col 'CountryRegion(String_Code_Col)' ...
AgentToUId(Agent [, Ip])

Convert the given user-agent string to a numeric RTmetrics user ID.

  • An user ID of 2 indicates a crawler.
  • Agent can be a string column’s name, a string constant or an expression that evaluates to a string.
  • Ip is an optional source IP for more accurate crawler matching. It can be an IP column’s name, a literal IP or an expression that evaluates to an IP.
AgentParse(Agent [, Ip])

Parses the given user-agent string and returns a string containing the extracted agent components.

  • The return string has these forms:
    • “” (a blank) - No usable information was extracted.
    • “Browser:[OS]:[DeviveType]:[DeviceName]” - At least a browser name was extracted. The result contains up to four components. Use AgentName(), AgentOS(), AgentDevType() and AgentDevName() to extract the desire components.
    • “Crawler” - A crawler signature was detected. The result is the crawler name. Use IsCrawler() to test if the result is a crawler.
  • Agent can be a string column’s name, a string constant or an expression that evaluates to a string.
  • Ip is an optional source IP for more accurate crawler matching. It can be an IP column’s name, a literal IP or an expression that evaluates to an IP.


$ aq_command ... -eval String_Col 'AgentParse(Str2)' ...
$ aq_command ... -eval String_Col 'AgentParse(Str2, IP2)' ...
AgentName(Code), AgentOS(Code), AgentDevType(Code), AgentDevName(Code)

AgentName() returns the browser name (string) portion of Code.
AgentOS() returns the OS name (string) portion of Code.
AgentDevType() returns the device type (string) portion of Code.
AgentDevName() returns the device name (string) portion of Code.

  • Code can be a string column’s name, a string constant or an expression that evaluates to a string. It should contain a value previously returned from AgentParse().


$ aq_command ... -eval String_Code_Col 'AgentParse(Str2)' ...
    ... -eval String_Name_Col 'AgentName(String_Code_Col)' ...
    ... -eval String_OS_Col 'AgentOS(String_Code_Col)' ...
    ... -eval String_DevType_Col 'AgentDevType(String_Code_Col)' ...
    ... -eval String_DevName_Col 'AgentDevName(String_Code_Col)' ...

Checks if the given Code is a crawler.

  • Returns 1 if true (i.e., Code is a crawler’s name), 0 otherwise.
  • Code can be a string column’s name, a string constant or an expression that evaluates to a string. It should contain a value previously returned from AgentParse().


$ aq_command ... -eval String_Code_Col 'AgentParse(Str2)' ...
    ... -eval Integer_Col 'IsCrawler(String_Code_Col)' ...

Convert the given string (usually an user name) to an RTmetrics hashed name string.
Note: for generic string obfuscation, use MaskStr() instead.

  • Returns the hashed string. It is an alphanumeric string of length 8. This is a low quality hash, so collision is possible.
  • NameStr can be a string column’s name, a string constant or an expression that evaluates to a string.

Udb specific functions

These functions are specific to Udb. They can only be used with aq_udb.


Returns the row count of the given table belonging to the current key. For a vector, it returns 1 if the verctor has been initialized, 0 otherwise.


$ aq_udb ... -pp . -if -filt 'RowCount(MyTable) < 10' -goto next_key -endif -endpp ...
  • Skip any keys that have less than 10 rows in MyTable.

String Constant

A string constant must be quoted between double or single quotes. With double quotes, special character sequences can be used to represent special characters. With single quotes, no special sequence is recognized; in other words, a single quote cannot occur between single quotes.

Character sequences recognized between double quotes are:

  • \\ - represents a literal backslash character.
  • \" - represents a literal double quote character.
  • \b - represents a literal backspace character.
  • \f - represents a literal form feed character.
  • \n - represents a literal new line character.
  • \r - represents a literal carriage return character.
  • \t - represents a literal horizontal tab character.
  • \v - represents a literal vertical tab character.
  • \0 - represents a NULL character.
  • \xHH - represents a character whose HEX value is HH.
  • \<newline> - represents a line continuation sequence; both the backslash and the newline will be removed.

Sequences that are not recognized will be kept as-is.

Two or more quoted strings can be used back to back to form a single string. For example,

'a "b" c'" d 'e' f" => a "b" c d 'e' f

RegEx Attributes

These attributes are used by the aq_pp mapping options and the regular expression related funstions described above.

  • In command line options, the attributes are specified as a , separated list on the options (e.g., -map,pcre,ncas).
  • In evaluation functions, the attributes are specified as a | separated list in one the functions’ parameters (e.g., RxCmp(Col, "[0-9]*", pcre|ncas)).

There are 2 major sets of attributes, one for the POSIX engine and one for PCRE.

  • ncas - Perform a case insensitive match (default is case sensitive).
  • rx - Select the POSIX engine. This is the default if no engine is selected explicitly.
  • These are POSIX specific attributes. Selecting any of them implies rx:
    • rx_extended - Enable POSIX Extended Regular Expression syntax.
    • rx_icase - Same as rx and ncas together.
    • rx_newline - Apply certain newline matching restrictions.
  • pcre - Select the PCRE engine.
  • These are PCRE specific attributes. Selecting any of them implies pcre. For details, see the corresponding PCRE2_* descriptions in the PCRE2 manual.
    • allow_empty_class (PCRE2_ALLOW_EMPTY_CLASS) - Allow empty classes.
    • alt_bsux (PCRE2_ALT_BSUX) - Alternative handling of \u, \U, and \x.
    • alt_circumflex (PCRE2_ALT_CIRCUMFLEX) - Alternative handling of ^ in multiline mode.
    • alt_verbnames (PCRE2_ALT_VERBNAMES) - Process backslashes in verb names.
    • caseless (PCRE2_CASELESS) - Same as pcre and ncas together.
    • dollar_endonly (PCRE2_DOLLAR_ENDONLY) - $ not to match newline at end.
    • dotall (PCRE2_DOTALL) - . matches anything including newline.
    • dupnames (PCRE2_DUPNAMES) - Allow duplicate names for subpatterns.
    • extended (PCRE2_EXTENDED) - Ignore white space and # comments.
    • firstline (PCRE2_FIRSTLINE) - Force matching to be before newline.
    • match_unset_backref (PCRE2_MATCH_UNSET_BACKREF) - Match unset back references.
    • multiline (PCRE2_MULTILINE) - ^ and $ match newlines within data.
    • never_backslash_c (PCRE2_NEVER_BACKSLASH_C) - Lock out the use of \C in patterns.
    • never_ucp (PCRE2_NEVER_UCP) - Lock out PCRE2_UCP.
    • never_utf (PCRE2_NEVER_UTF) - Lock out PCRE2_UTF.
    • no_dotstar_anchor (PCRE2_NO_DOTSTAR_ANCHOR) - Disable automatic anchoring for .*.
    • no_start_optimize (PCRE2_NO_START_OPTIMIZE) - Disable match-time start optimizations.
    • ucp (PCRE2_UCP) - Use Unicode properties for \d, \w, etc.
    • ungreedy (PCRE2_UNGREEDY) - Invert greediness of quantifiers.
    • utf (PCRE2_UTF) - Treat pattern and subjects as UTF strings.
    • anchored (PCRE2_ANCHORED) - Match only at the first position.
    • notbol (PCRE2_NOTBOL) - Subject string is not the beginning of a line.
    • noteol (PCRE2_NOTEOL) - Subject string is not the end of a line.
    • notempty (PCRE2_NOTEMPTY) - An empty string is not a valid match.
    • notempty_atstart (PCRE2_NOTEMPTY_ATSTART) - An empty string at the start of the subject is not a valid match.
    • no_utf_check (PCRE2_NO_UTF_CHECK) - Do not check the subject for UTF validity (only relevant if utf is also set.

See Also

  • aq_pp - Record preprocessor
  • udbd - Udb server
  • aq_udb - Udb server interface